Ron Ussery on the Jefferson Bible

Thomas Jefferson wrote a book titled The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, more commonly known as the Jefferson Bible. Fellowship member Ron explores this work and Jefferson’s approach to religion, which might surprise even some Unitarian Universalists.

Ron Ussery

The service begins at 11 a.m., but join us early for coffee and conversation. Visitors are always welcome at our liberal, progressive Fellowship.

Ron Ussery is a lifelong student of history, philosophy, economics and markets—including free markets, flea markets, Saturday markets and…well, lots of markets. He’s retired from careers in banking and finance (well, sort of retired) and teaching (again, sort of retired), and he’s Fellowship’s treasurer, an unofficial maintenance almost a full-time volunteer at our Fellowship, as our treasurer, our unofficial building maintenance director and a member of the UU No Wrong Turns Bicycle Club.

Our COVID policy:

  • Vaccinations encouraged.
  • Social distancing practiced.
  • Mask wearing welcomed.
  • Building ventilation improved.
  • Policy subject to change if conditions change.
