President’s Welcome
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Columbus (UUFC)
Welcome from Connie Ussery, 2024 President

We all need companions on our journeys. No matter where you come from or where you hope to go, we offer a fellowship of thinkers, learners, seekers and adventurers. There is so much to explore along the way. We welcome those on a traditional spiritual path, and we celebrate the creative ways people find their own directions. Our fellowship is unique among other churches and congregations. We have no creed, but we value our Seven Principles. Every Sunday we promise ourselves and each other to seek peace, truth and meaning in a volatile world. Learn about our beliefs and principles here.
You might think Unitarian Universalism is a new religion, but it is actually a blend of two long-established congregations. Unitarians were thinkers like John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Joseph Priestly, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Universalists were ethicists like Clara Barton, Olympia Brown and Horace Greeley. Most suffragettes and many leaders of the Civil Rights Movement, especially Dr. Martin Luther King, espoused Universalist principles. In fact, the two people murdered during the march in Selma, Alabama, were Unitarian Universalists. In my opinion, if you know the lessons of “A Christmas Carol,” you know the basics of our theology. Rev. Kathleen Rolenz said, “Throughout history, we have moved to the rhythms of mystery and wonder, prophecy, wisdom, teachings from ancient and modern sources, and nature herself.”
Find out more about our history at
Our congregation is small, but we are proud of our liberal religious roots. Members and friends total about 130. We come from diverse religious and secular spiritual traditions. Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Humanists, Muslims, Pagans, Atheists, and Agnostics contribute to the feeling of acceptance in our Fellowship. Many of us don’t assign ourselves categories that might define beliefs. Instead, we recognize the need for a safe space to ask questions and express doubts. We offer a chance to learn about other religions, other paths, and the ideals we hold in common. How else can we foster social connection to the ever-changing larger community? Most important, we’re committed to affirming the worth and dignity of all people.
We meet every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Guest speakers include UU ministers, ministers of other faiths, experts on various topics, or leaders in community organizations. Check our website at for upcoming programs and samples of past programs. We offer Wednesday Night Discussion, Friday Lunch and Conversation, Abiding Meditation, Buddhist Studies, Earth-Centered Spirituality Group, Women’s Book Club, Women’s Lunch Discussion, “No Wrong Turns” Cyclists. Our Social Action, Congregational Care and Fundraising Committees offer more chances to explore your interests and causes.
If you have questions, feel free to ask. Inquire at [email protected].
Connie Ussery,
Immediate Past President