Autumnal Equinox and Mabon Celebration
Autumnal Equinox + Mabon Celebration held at the UUFC Meditation Garden, September, 2019

The UU Earth-Centered Spirituality Group is an affiliate of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Columbus that honors earth-centered spiritual paths. This group is instilled with specific UU values that include the celebration of diversity and respect for all. UU Earth-Centered Spirituality does not tie a person to any particular dogma in the earth-centered religious traditions. Each person is free to choose their own spiritual “truth”. Open participatory exploration of topics regarding earth-centered spirituality, and study group discussions are held regularly. We are always thrilled to have other Earth-Centered and Ancient Root followers join us. Please feel free to email our ambassador Orm Burnham at with any questions you may have before joining us.

Special events, such as honoring the Solstice and Equinox, are announced throughout the year. All are welcome to join us in these celebrations.