UUFC No Wrong Turns Bicycle Club
Our schedule is flexible, weather dependent and tailored to each day’s participants. Rides are announced by text message. To be added to the list email us, with “bike club” in subject line. We have no dues, no officers (except for a “Dear Leader,” who is Hal Midgette) and no attendance policy. Pick a ride that you like.

Here are some guidelines:
- Days and times. Mostly Mondays through Fridays, with the occasional Saturday rides. In winter, we ride mid-day to afternoon, to take advantage of warmer temperatures. The warmer it gets, the earlier we ride. Join us at 7 a.m. for rides in July and August.
- Routes and distances. We ride the Columbus River Walk, on country roads east of Columbus and, most often onmany routes on Fort Benning, which is one of the safest places to ride. (Bring and ID. Obey traffic laws everywhere but especially on Fort Benning.) Our rides are 25 to 40 miles, with the odd 50-mile-plus ride thrown in.
- Pace and difficulty. Our motto: no rider left for dead. We have a range of abilities, but mostly we’re retired folks, so the pace is never blistering. Some members ride the new-fangled electric bikes. Some go faster than others, but we manage to stay mostly together in order to have conversations and solve the world’s problems.