Ron and Connie Ussery: commitment to UU values

Unitarian Universalism emphasizes action rather than belief. This Sunday we’ll explore what that means within the framework of UU’s Seven Principles.

Connie and Ron Ussery are long-time UU members. They each enjoyed successes in multiple careers. Now they share their passions for travel and for making a difference—in our Fellowship, in the Chattahoochee Valley and in the world.

Visitors are always welcome here. This Sunday’s service will be a good opportunity to learn more about how UU’s  practical philosophy enriches our lives. Our informal, hour-long services always feature a presentation, like the Ussery’s program, and also a little music, a little mediation and some inspirational thoughts.

Childcare is always available Sunday’s from 9:15 a.m. until noon. (Children’s Religious Education is on summer break.) Here’s the complete Sunday schedule:

9:15 a.m. Adult Religious Education. This week’s topic, “Five Reasons You Shouldn’t Be a UU.”

10:15 a.m. Coffee, light refreshments and conversation before the service.

10:45 a.m. The Sunday ServiceThis week with a presentation by the Usserys.