The link between well-being and gratitude is well established. In “Breathing Gratitude,” speaker Justin diFeliciantonio will explore how to enhance that connection. Justin is a tennis and wellness coach and a regular practitioner of yoga. He’s also a longtime student of mindfulness and meditation, and he’s a friend of the Fellowship.
What happens Sundays?
Services start at 11 a.m., but join us early for coffee and conversation. In addition to a talk, services include readings, a little music and optional opportunities to share your thoughts. And we’re done by noon. Visitors and guests are always welcome.

Who are we?
You might describe our UU Fellowship as liberal or progressive, though these terms are loaded with extra baggage. We’re certainly nondenominational. Our unofficial motto is “deeds before creeds.” As individuals, we do have creeds and beliefs, but our members subscribe to a range of religious, philosophical and ethical traditions. What we do share is respect for the dignity of all people and for the health of our planet. (Of course, there’s more. Unitarian Universalists have principles. And UU is evolving, most recently to include a set of shared values.)What happens on Sunday?
What about Covid ?
We watch local conditions, so check here for policy changes. Our current measures:
- We encourage social distancing in spacious Grace Fellowship Hall.
- We encourage vaccination and boosters.
- We improved ventilation.
- Masks are available.
- Please stay home if you’re sick.