Guest speaker Melissa Pritchard Schley, who now lives in Columbus, is an award-wining novelist, biographer, essayist and short-story writer. She’ll talk about her latest novel, “Flight of the Wild Swan,” a work of historical fiction about Florence Nightingale.

Sunday services begin at 11 a.m. but join us early for coffee and conversation. Visitors and guests are always welcome.
Services usually feature a speaker—either a member of the Fellowship or a guest. We focus on the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism, but our interests are wide-ranging. Services also include music, readings, meditation and a chance to share your own thoughts.
We are non-denominational. We do have beliefs, as individuals, but our members subscribe to a range of religious, philosophical and ethical traditions. And some members resist labels. What ties us together are commitments to human rights and care for the planet. Our unofficial motto: “deeds before creeds.”
Topics: Literature