The Meaning of Life: Various Perspectives

What does it all mean? Fellowship members Michelle Midgette and Joyce Hickson have created a presentation that includes readings from a range of people, presented by Fellowship members, and opportunities to share your own thoughts.

See “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

The Fourth Principle of Unitarian Universalism is “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” We encourage each other to pursue our own, unique searches, with respect for all people and for the planet. This will be a very UU Sunday. Curious? Join us!

Sunday services begin at 11 a.m. at Grace Fellowship Hall. We’re at 8827 Heiferhorn Way, on the banks of Heiferhorn Creek. Join us before the service for conversation. Visitors and guests are welcome.

Services usually feature a speaker (or speakers)—either Fellowship members or guests—who talk about subjects related to the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism. Services also include music, readings, a little meditation and a chance to share your own thoughts. We are truly non-denominational. Our unofficial motto: “deeds before creeds.” As individuals, we do have beliefs, but our members subscribe to a range of religious, philosophical and ethical traditions—all tied together by respect for all people and for the planet itself.

Pandemic measures

  • Masks are optional, HOWEVER…
  • During Sunday services, we reserve a mask-only space for those who wish to wear them.
  • Please respect social distancing.
  • We urge everyone to be fully vaccinated and boosted—not just to protect themselves but to protect others.
  • If you are not vaccinated, please wear a mask.
  • Speakers, service leaders and members of the choir don’t wear masks but they are even more socially distant. 
  • Guests are welcome, but please follow our pandemic guidelines.
